A nimble team dedicated to listening and collaboration
As exhibit designers, we aim to reveal and celebrate meaningful and relevant stories through engaging, multi-dimensional experiences. We listen, research, sketch, and explore to bring public stories that are inviting, entertaining, and accessible to museum visitors of all ages. We seek to inspire curiosity, establish intellectual and emotional connections, and create lasting memories.
Planning, Research, Design
Here’s how we do it:

With 35 years of experience, we’ve learned how to listen. Each project is unique and our process reflects it. Our team works closely with yours to discover and analyze the best options and determine the right path at each step of the way.
- Project Visioning and Strategy
- Master and Interpretive Planning
- Stakeholder Workshops
- Fundraising Support
- Architecture and Engineering Coordination
- Scheduling, Budgeting, and Contracting
- Comprehensive Project Management

Our research is infused with a collaborative spirit. We talk to stakeholders—community members, museum staff, and board members. We immerse ourselves in your story and create meaningful content-rich transformative moments.
- Storyline Development
- Content Research
- Audience and Market Evaluation
- Collaboration with Subject Experts
- Collections Analysis and Development
- Exhibit and Media Scripting
- Image Research and Rights Acquisition

Our designs are inspired by the stories our clients wish to tell. As we design, we rely on the project’s mission, research, advisors, and material culture to inform our choices. Together, our work results in powerful visitor experiences.
- Exhibit, Graphic, and Media Concepting
- Rendering, Modeling, and Prototyping
- Custom Illustration and Cartography
- Infrastructure Planning and Coordination
- Design Development and Final Design
- Technical Design and Specification Development
- Construction, Fabrication, and Installation Oversight